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Debate Showcase [TTS Presentation 2023]

Debate Showcase [TTS Presentation 2023]

[TTS CUP 2022] Best moments Elementary & Secondary

[TTS CUP 2022] Best moments Elementary & Secondary

TTS CUP 2021-22 Best moments

TTS CUP 2021-22 Best moments

This house believes that foreigners should not be allowed to own land in developing countries

This house believes that foreigners should not be allowed to own land in developing countries

[TTS Education] Idea development, Brainstorming

[TTS Education] Idea development, Brainstorming

[TTS CUP 2022] Teleportation (Quantum Entanglement & Superposition) - Lucas & Chip (Guest Speaker)

[TTS CUP 2022] Teleportation (Quantum Entanglement & Superposition) - Lucas & Chip (Guest Speaker)

God is Real - Steven [TTS Presentation 2024]

God is Real - Steven [TTS Presentation 2024]

[TTS CUP 2022] Round 2, training session

[TTS CUP 2022] Round 2, training session

TED Highlight-English Presentation/

TED Highlight-English Presentation/ "Grit: the power of passion and perseverance"/ Khue 20220731

TED Highlight-English Presentation/

TED Highlight-English Presentation/ "Grit: the power of passion and perseverance"/ Jady 20220731

Microplastic Effect - Cherry [TTS Presentation 2024]

Microplastic Effect - Cherry [TTS Presentation 2024]

Renaissance & Revolution of Generation/ English Presentation jessica & david - UEF seminar Guest speaker

Renaissance & Revolution of Generation/ English Presentation jessica & david - UEF seminar Guest speaker